Saturday, 31 December 2011

Obligatory Summary Bullet-Points

My posts are too long, normally. I think. So this time it's bullet-points. So there :P 

Apologies in advance to the friend who has done the same in her blog. I started this in Doha Airport before I even read yours - honest guv!

This year I have:

*Started performing a Solo Streetshow
*Been skiing in Slovakia and on a boozy jolly to Berlin
*Tried Flowboarding, Chinese Pole, Buungeng and the Dulcimer
*Moved house
*Done my first mini-season of tenting
*Bought 2 marquees
*Taught my first workshops and gigged my first theme park
*Been on TV 3 times
*Driven halfway across Europe in a 30 year-old Motorhome
*Spun my staff covered head to toe in mud
*Been on 10 Aeroplanes in 6 more countries (fuck me...that's a carbon footprint!)
*Seen 4 weddings, 2 funerals, one stag party and one beautiful new baby
*Missed 2 weddings and one stag party 
*Not seen snow. Yet.
*Designed a website (and failed to finish it without help!)
*Made some amazing new friends and seen some old ones for the first time in years
*Been very pleased at how little my departure from London has affected most of my relationships there
*Been kinda disappointed at the way it has affected a couple of them
*Been happy
*Been sad
*Been incredibly lonely at times
*Been moderately successful at times and definitely
*Sucked massively at others
*Got muddy
*Got sunburnt
*Got injured
*Got better (almost)
*Got into (and out of) debt and, most importantly, 
*Learnt lots of stuff. I think.

I'm a lucky boy. Or I'm an idiot, it'll all fail miserably and I should do something sensible with my life soon. 

Fortunately, it's impossible to tell so I can't expect myself to know any better at this stage. Or something.

Happy New Year to all. May it bring you Love, Happiness, and the ability to see the Woods for the Trees. 
