Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saudi stop 2 - Riyadh

So, am sat backstage here in Riyadh where we are just about to do our last show on this stop. The previous one really was one of those remind-me-why-I-do-this shows. Throngs of grinning and waving children at the edge of the stage. There's a finale where we all come out and dance around and throw some giant balloons out into the crowd. It's amazing. The show has felt better here, it's more in my brainbox now and I *think* I've lifted my game and am putting more of the right kind of energy into it. I'm slowly realising that this is as much about efficiency of movement and making correct shapes at the right time rather than just hell-for-leather energy. It's almost as if people can train for years to learn this stuff...huh? ;) I'm certainly giving it my all and developing some stamina so now it's in my memory I can focus on making everything as big as possible.

The venue is different. Funnily enough we're at a racetrack miles outside the city. Followers of the blog from this time last year will know why, in fact, that is amusing. Still having a huge chuckle with the rest of the cast which, when you're doing 12 hour days, is essential. We are getting plenty of time off too, which is good. Recovery time is much needed and it has afforded us plenty of time to see the city. Here, that has meant looking at some cool buildings (immediately a winner in my book) plus a look at the national museum located here. The coolest building here is the Kingdom Tower complete with skybridge and there is also another one above a (shock) mall near the hotel.

The museum was very cool too, lots of stuff about the early Bedouin peoples in the region who were pretty bloody advanced  for the period. Especially in terms of literacy and associated things. Bit of a shame when it descends into a slightly less scientific approach to information. Basically when the religious side of things starts to come into play. Bit like Peru, really, people used to worship stars and weather but then decided to ditch that in favor of an idol and start kicking the shit out of each other. Bah. Even that in itself is a bit strange to see in institutions that in our part of the world we simply trust to give unbiased scientific information. Anyway.... The building itself is quite new and it's pretty comprehensive over the history of the nation. I love stuff like that. Looking at old stuff in glass cabinets is brilliant. We also went to see a place known locally as "chop chop square" - guess what happens there. Bit creepy, not gonna lie.

There was some really good shopping here too and myself and two of the other guys had a brilliant day wandering around looking at all of the various made-in-China-and-India souvenirs. Some of which are actually a little close-to-the-mark in terms of racial stereotyping I thought but they're hilarious none the same and the vendors seem to be getting away with it so more power to them. I bought some cuddling salt and pepper shakers in the shape of an Arabic man and woman. You'll have to come visit me in Cardiff to see them :p The hotel here has been pretty sweet, lots of wood panelling and a nice gym. We've kinda missed the local aspect we had in Jeddah but it's been great overall. Duran next, who knows what that will bring? Tomorrow, we travel across the country by train which I'm looking forward to. It's less hectic than the whole airport scenario and you get to see stuff out of the window.

Here be relevant images - see the facebook album for more:

Cool building Number 1

Soft furnishings on a generator. Brilliant.

View from the Skybridge. Straight down.


View from the Skybridge - down and out

The Kingdom Tower. I love a good building, me.

Good lads, all of 'em :)

Talented buggers, too....

Museum gardens


No shit, Sherlock..

Is it wrong that I wanted to find a ladder and turn this around 90 degrees? ;)

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